Remote PDC informs no Data Frame Available


I’m trying to establish a stream from my Open PDC to another PDC. It follows my configuration:

And, after I saved, it started a stream to the other PDC. Then, I started a observation with Wireshark and OpenPDC Console, As follows:

And I believe that this is “DisableRealTimedData” command from the other PDC:

This is “SendConfigurationFrame2” command from the other PDC:

This is the openPDC’s response:

And, finally the “EnableRealTimedData” command from the other PDC:

But, the other PDC informs no Data Frame isn’t available:

Any thoughts on what is going on?


PS: I saved this wireshark capture, if needed for further analysis.


Hi Flor,

The WireShark capture suggests that the openPDC is sending the data frames over the UDP channel. Is the other PDC configured to receive data frames on UDP port 4712? If so, is there any firewall between the two PDCs that might be blocking those UDP packets?


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