OpenHistorian - TLSSubscrption with Azure VM


I’m performing TLSSubscription between Azure VM running with OpenHistorian and PC running with OpenHistorian at my office network.

I configured all required settings between Azure VM and my PC.
Here my PC is a publisher, Azure VM is a subscriber.

I’m not able to find any error message in publisher log file and showing green color in subscriber status.
Whereas Azure Vm(Subscriber), stream statics is in gray color and logging below details in statuslog.txt file.

Could you please explain its happening?

[2/13/2020 3:55:12 PM] [ABC] Attempting connection to tcp://ABC IPAddress:6177…

[2/13/2020 3:55:12 PM] [ABC] Attempting command channel connection to publisher…

[2/13/2020 3:55:12 PM] [ABC] Connection established.

[2/13/2020 3:55:12 PM] [ABC] Data subscriber command channel connection to publisher was established.

[2/13/2020 3:55:12 PM] [ABC] Failure code received in response to server command “Unsubscribe”: Subscriber not authenticated - Unsubscribe request denied.

[2/13/2020 3:55:12 PM] [ABC] Failure code received in response to server command “MetaDataRefresh”: Subscriber not authenticated - MetaDataRefresh request denied.

Thanks & Regards

The publisher thinks the subscriber is not authenticated. You need to look at the logs from the publisher to determine what went wrong.

Thanks Stephen,

Its working, there was issue with acceptable IP list. After giving allowed IP list, I’m able to see the metadata.