openHistorian On Linux

Thanks Ritchie for the explanation.

I was able to update the ConnectionString in the db for port 38402:

Unfortunately, I get this in the StatusLog.txt:

It seems like IPv4 is not supported for the primary openHistorian API port!!

Did you get it to work on Linux?
Is there something else that I can try?


That seems unusual. Is it possible there is a rogue process running that is still attached to the IPv6 port? Can you restart the instance?

There may also be more details in the ErrorLog.txt and/or .logz files.


Yes, it’s weird.
I dockerized openHistorian, I just added a custom script with your query to update the ConnectionString in the Historian table.
I stopped and restarted it, same error.

I only have the adosecuritycache.bin error in the ErrorLog.txt

And just [PPA] Connection attempt failed … in the StatusLog.txt.

I have included those 2 files as well as the logz file, maybe you can see something.

I do not see a typo in the query, but can you double check?
openhistorian ipv4 (95.8 KB)

What utility do I use to open a logz file?



The app to view the .logz files is the Log File Viewer installed along with the openHistorian.

This requires a UI, but it will run on either Windows or Linux, e.g.:

mono LogFileViewer.exe

FYI, looks like the failure is here:

System.Net.Sockets.Socket.set_DualMode (System.Boolean)

So, try changing the connection string to interface= and/or the real IP of the machine.


I tried with interface= and with the IP address of the machine, same result, the protocol version is not supported.
Just to make sure I’m not overlooking something, could you please try yourself and see if you can get it to work with IPv4?

Thanks for LogFileViewer.exe, I am now able to view the logz files.


Sorry Ritchie to bother you again on this topic, but do you mind confirming that you have the same error on your test environment and that IPv4 for the openHistorian API on port 38402 is not supported on Linux?

Just to make sure it’s not me doing something wrong.

Thanks, I appreciate it.
