Receiving C37-118 UDP data


I am using a SEL-735 device. The device has a capability to send continuous waveform data using C37-118 protocol using UDP at 3ksps. I am trying to test it using PMU connection tester, but I am getting a error. Below is the error I am receiving.

“Attempting connection to “ID 1 using IEEE C37.118.2-2011 over Udp” at 02/05/2025 10:26:53 using IEEE C37.118.2-2011
Exception: Attempting to realign parsing to found protocol sync-byte after parsing exception: Bad data stream, expected sync byte 0xAA as first byte in IEEE C37.118 frame, got 0x00
Exception: Probable frame misalignment detected, forcing scan ahead to next sync byte
Exception: Attempting to realign parsing to found protocol sync-byte after parsing exception: Bad data stream, expected sync byte 0xAA as first byte in IEEE C37.118 frame, got 0x00
Exception: Probable frame misalignment detected, forcing scan ahead to next sync byte
Exception: Attempting to realign parsing to found protocol sync-byte after parsing exception: Bad data stream, expected sync byte 0xAA as first byte in IEEE C37.118 frame, got 0xDC”

Rabi Kar,

Hi Rabi,

The SEL devices can send continuous waveform data in a modified version of C37.118.2
Note that the standard does not support waveform data.
The PMU Connection tester will only work with standard C37.118.2-2011 (or 2005) and not the modified version.

For the moment there are no plans to support the modified version.

Thank you,
Christoph Lackner

Hi Clackner,
Thanks for the reply. Is there any other way we can accept the data and save it.
Rabi Kar.