Problems with openPDC

Greetings everyone, hope you are doing great.

I’m Henry Flores from Celsia Colombia. Currently we are facing some issues related to openPDC and the connection of a micro PMU. The connection between the micro PMU and openPDC has already been established and we are able to visualize data in the Graphic Real-Time Measurements and Monitor Device Outputs screens.

But when verifying that everything was ok, we found the following problem: When reviewing the “Stream Statistics” screen, we found that the indicator of the connected micro PMU is not in green but instead is in gray, so we would like to ask if this is a problem, and if so, how can we solve it? Below we attach an images of the problem.


This may be a clock issue. Can you go to the graph measurements screen, select a value to trend and see if data is “flowing” - if so, you can hold your mouse pointer over the value in the tree of measurements in the left panel and check the timestamp of the point?

Data coming from the device is expected to be in UTC.

Also, could be something else going on…


Hello ritchiecarroll thanks for the quick response and sorry that i was not able to respond earlier, currently we are facing a problem with our PMU synchronisation so when we go to the “Graph Measurement Screen” there is an incorrect time and date, but previously we had made some testing and the time and date was correct with data flowing from the PMU and even had the openHistorian saving data, so we are not really sure if the syncronization was really the problem. What other things could cause this issue of not having the green indicator from the “Stream Statistics”?

Also on the same note we wanted to ask about other problem we are currently facing, when we go to the “Home” screen in openHistorian and openPDC there is an error in the “System Health” section as shown in the image below.

Is there a way to solve the problem?

Could be a rights issue. What is the role of the logged in user? Admin, editor?

The response seems strange - has the config file been adjusted?

You could also try changing the service user from NT SERVICE\openPDC to LocalSystem, for example.


Hello Ritchie thanks for the answer,we would like to try the suggestion made about changing the service user from NT SERVICE\openPDC to LocalSystem but we would like to ask how we could achieve this change in the openPDC

Open the Windows services dialog, find the openPDC in the list, right-click, select “properties”, select “Log On” tab, click radio-button under “Log on as:” section and select “Local System Account”, then click “Apply”. You will need restart service for changes to apply.

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Hello Ritchie thanks for the recommendation, we did what you suggested and now everything seems to be working fine when we changed NT SERVICE\openPDC to LocalSystem (after solving the problem of our PMU GPS synchronization problem). There is a green indicator in the “Stream Statistics” screen and also the problem in the “System Health” section of the “Home” screen has disappeared.

Now we would also like to make a final request if possible, as I mentioned previously, currently we are saving the uPMU data using the openHistorian, but we would like to be able to save the data of the uPMU into a database using postgresql, this is because currently we don’t have a way to access the records of the PMU remotely and with a database we could be able to achieve this, so we would like to ask if there is a way to do this either in openPDC or openHistorian (i’ve read in a few posts that this is possible using AdoOutputAdapter instance, but to be honest we dont really know how to configure the instance in order to save data into postgresql).