OpenXDA installation

Dear GPA community,

I have installed the SQL Server, the OpenHistorian and Im trying to install the OpenXDA. During the installation it appears the following warning:


I would like to know whether I should care about it or not.

Thank you,

Jorge Silva

Hello Jorge,

The installer puts the user that runs the openXDA service into the openXDA Admins group and then sets permissions for the openXDA Admins group so that anyone who is a member will have the necessary permissions to be able to run the openXDA service or manage its files. However, foreseeing potential issues such as this one, we also added some code to set permissions on the service account itself so that it would not need to be a member of the openXDA Admins group. Therefore, I don’t think you need to worry about this error.


Hi Stephen,

I had the same problem than Jorge installing openHistorian. Besides that, everything went fine.
I checked every prerequisite to the openXDA installation, but I got the next error when it tries to connect to the database:

I’d like to know how can I fix the problem to complete the installation.

Thanks a lot,

Hi Juan,

Are you using SQL Server Express? You may need to change the Server name field to localhost\SQLEXPRESS. Also, if SQL Server is installed on a different system than the one you have installed openXDA on, you will need to change localhost to be either the name or IP address of that server.


Thank you for your answer.

I’m using SQL Server Express. Nevertheless, when I changed the Server name field, I got the same error:

Are you sure that you are installing openXDA and SQL Server Express on the same computer?

Yes I am. I have restarted my PC several times but it’s the same.

The error message indicates that there is no SQL Server database instance on the local machine with an instance name of SQLEXPRESS. I would recommend that you verify that you have installed SQL Server Express properly. You should also verify the instance name of your SQL Server database instance so you can determine the proper server name to enter into the openXDA installer.

For example, when you are able to successfully login to SQL Server Management Studio, what is in the Server name: box that looks like this:

Thank you all!

Apparently the problem was the version of SQL Server and/or SQL Server Management Studio. I was using the 2017 and after I downgraded to 2014 everything worked fine.

Hi all.
I followed the installation steps but I had some problems loading the test data configuration. After copying the folders into the watch folder, some errors appeared in the FORTEST, DEB and MAR folders. All errors say: “Matrix Dimensions exceed the allowed range”. I would like to know what should I do about that.

Thank you,



I’ve never seen that error message before. Can you provide more detail about the error? There should be a file called openXDA.ErrorLog.txt in the folder where you installed openXDA.


In the FORTEST, DEB and MAR folder appears the following exception message:
“An error occurred while executing data operation of type ‘FaultData.DataOperations.DisturbanceSeverityOperation’ on data from meter ‘DEB’: Matrix dimensions exceed the admitted range”.
There is also some inner exceptions that say “The index was out of range. It must be a non-negative value and less than the size of the collection.” The exception source is mscorlib. This error appears for FORTEST, DEB and MAR folders.

Thank you

I have seen “The index was out of range. It must be non-negative value and less than the size of the collection.” However, I still don’t know where the “Matrix dimensions exceed the admitted range” message could be coming from. There should be a stack trace under the error message that looks something like this:

---- Stack Trace ----
       openPDC.exe: N 00380
       openPDC.exe: N 00357
       openPDC.exe: N 00801

Can you provide the stack trace?



---- Stack Trace ----
   FaultData.DataAnalysis.Transform.ToCycleDataGroup(dataSeries As DataSeries, frequency As Double)
       openXDA.exe: N 00627
       openXDA.exe: N 00075
   System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(collection As IEnumerable`1)
       openXDA.exe: N 00436
   System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(source As IEnumerable`1)
       openXDA.exe: N 00070
   FaultData.DataAnalysis.Transform.ToVICycleDataGroup(dataGroup As VIDataGroup, frequency As Double)
       openXDA.exe: N 01070
       openXDA.exe: N 00111
   System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(collection As IEnumerable`1)
       openXDA.exe: N 00436
   System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList(source As IEnumerable`1)
       openXDA.exe: N 00070
   FaultData.DataResources.CycleDataResource.Initialize(meterDataSet As MeterDataSet)
       openXDA.exe: N 00826
   FaultData.DataResources.DataResourceBase`1.Initialize(dataSet As IDataSet)
       openXDA.exe: N 00099
   FaultData.DataSets.MeterDataSet.GetResource(resourceFactory As Func`1)
       openXDA.exe: N 00184
   FaultData.DataOperations.DisturbanceSeverityOperation.Execute(meterDataSet As MeterDataSet)
       openXDA.exe: N 00054
   FaultData.DataOperations.DataOperationBase`1.Execute(dataSet As IDataSet)
       openXDA.exe: N 00099
   openXDA.ExtensibleDisturbanceAnalysisEngine.ProcessMeterDataSet(meterDataSet As MeterDataSet, systemSettings As SystemSettings, dbAdapterContainer As DbAdapterContainer)
       openXDA.exe: N 01449



Hi all.
I have a some questions about openXDA installation. Can I install it with windows 10 and .NET 4.7?
Thank you


Hey Mark,

It works fine with Windows 10. We have not tested it with .net 4.7 yet, but there does not seem to be any glaring issues from a brief look at it. Give it a go and let us know how it goes for you.

Thank you.

I think it is working fine with .NET 4.7. I would like to test the software with my own COMTRADE files and I already create my DeviceDefinitions.xml. What should I do next? Should I copy them into the Watch folder?

Thank you,


Hi Mark

Ensure the DeviceDefinitions.xml file is in the openXDA program folder and run the ldconfig.bat file. That should load your meter data into the database. Then in the watch folder create subfolders named as the AssetKeys of your devices in the DeviceDefinitions file. Then you can copy and paste your comtrade into the correct subfolder and XDA should pick them up and process them.

AssetKeys meaning “device id”? Location results should be saved into “results” folder right?

Thank you