OpenPDC LoadBalance

How can I configure a load balance system using openPDC and StreamSplitter?
Can I have one OpenPDC master with all PMUs in database and others OpenPDCs in slave slaves mode in load balance architecture?

I think this could be possible using an STTP connection to synchronize metadata to main system using the SyncIndependentDevices setting. In this way all subordinate systems would then need to manually enable which devices need to be enabled as part of the load balancing, including those that need to be enabled in the main system (if being used as one of the machines handling load balacing).

However, this type of PMU load balancing would currently be a manual process in the sense that if one of the systems goes offline, its enabled devices would need to be enabled manually on other systems to pick up the load.

To autoamate this, a separate algorithm would need to be developed to enable devices automatically on subordinate systems. The algorithm could also montitor system load of suborfdinate machines to determine which machine is best suited to handle new connections.
