Hello Sir,
I am using the openECA to perform the angular difference of phase A between two devices using the C#. (I know that such function it already implemented in the actions adapters of the manager, but I need to perform this in C# because other functions will be implemented).
At first, I use the TESTDEVICE from openECA manager as example computing the difference between TESTDEVICE-PA1 (PPA:6) and TESTDEVICE-PA1 (PPA:8). The function worked as a charm, and I observed the time-tags were aligned.
However, when I used the PMUs devices (PMU27 and PMU-M2) from Brazil. The operation used the PPA:98, PPA:152. I observed in this case that time-tags are different from PPA:98 (22:45:13.600), PPA:152 (22:45:13.866).
The project in C# was not able to compute the angular difference receiving the angles in a alternating form, ie, not receiving the two measurements at the same time, making the other measurement zero.
So my theory is that the input mapping is not aligning the time-tags to perform the operation.
How do you propose to solve the problem? The input mapping was supposed to handle alignment of the time-tags right?
Best regards, Orlem Santos