As a beginner how to use such as Angle Difference Calculation or Impedance Calculations. In fact how to set Manage Custom Actions?
As a beginner how to use such as Angle Difference Calculation or Impedance Calculations. In fact how to set Manage Custom Actions?
On easy way is to go to the web UI (e.g., http://localhost:8180), click on a device the select a “Tag Template” option from the drop-down - this will add the selected custom actions for the current device.
Otherwise, you need to open the desktop openHistorian Manager application, then go to “Actions > Manage Custom Actions” from the main menu. From this screen, click on the " >> " button to go to the last page, then click the “(+) Add New” button. You can then enter a name for the adapter, select the adapter type you want from the list, e.g. “Impedance Calculator” and set needed configuration settings. Once the settings are defined, click the “Save” button.
The next step would be initialization, but before you do that I would recommend running the openHistorian Console application so you could watch for initialization errors.
Note that each adapter has its own requirements for inputs and outputs. For the “Impedance Calculator” in particular, note the following:
– The “Impedance Calculator” inputs require two sets of voltage and current phasors entered like the following:
So, this would be ordered something like this for “Input Measurement Keys”:
vsangkey; vsmagkey; vrangkey; vrmagkey; isangkey; ismagkey; irangkey; irmagkey
And might look something like:
PPA:12; PPA:13; PPA:15; PPA:16; PPA:18; PPA:19; PPA:21; PPA:22
– The “Impedance Calculator” outputs require the following rectangular and polar tags, specified in the order enumerated below (note that the tags need to already exist, see how to create further below):
You can create new measurements in the desktop openHistorian Manager application by selecting “Metadata > Measurements” from the main menu. From this screen, click on the " >> " button to go to the last page, then click the “(+) Add New” button. Enter a “Point Tag” for the measurement, then the same value for the “Signal Reference”, add proper text to the “Description” field, then select a “Measurement Type”, e.g., “Calculated Value”. So that it’s easier to find your measurements in other screens, it is often useful to associate the measurements with a parent device; to do this select the desired device name from the “Device” drop down. If you want the measurement to be archived in the historian, be sure to select the target historian name in the “Historian” drop down, e.g., “PPA”. Finally, check the “Enabled” check-box and the click “Save”. Your new measurement will now exist and can be selected from the action adapter configuration page associated with the “Output Measurements” property. Make sure to repeat the “Create New Measurements” for each needed output measurement.