I can't connect openPDC to the PMU


I’m trying to connect openPDC Manager to the PMU (N60 multilin from GE), but I can’t. Using the PMU Connection tester was successful, without any difficulties.
I tried to connect through openPDC using the files generated in the PMU design tester and it didn’t work.
Configuring manually was also unsuccessful.

Initially I thought it could be the PMU tester connected simultaneously with openPDC, then I thought it was the firewall, I disabled it and it still didn’t work.

I checked the data exchange with wireshark, the PMU tester exchanges information normally while openPDC does not acquire data from the PMU.

Can you help me?

Try switching protocol to IEEE C37.118-2005.By default, the 2011 protocol requests CFG3, which is not universally supported.

That’s right, it worked! thanks!