Sub-query statements are currently not supported in the FILTER operations due to the added complexity this would add to the filtering syntax. Here is the standard FILTER syntax that is officially supported in STTP (as a reference):
However, you can query available sub type metadata in Grafana using a “variable” with an expression like the following:
Note above the WHERE
option, here you can further apply filtering to selected metadata.
Make sure and check the Multi-value
option, like below, so several values can be selected:
Then you can use the selected variable results in a standard filter expression:

FILTER TOP 10 ActiveMeasurements WHERE SignalType IN (${SignalTypes:sqlstring})
All that said, you can actually use a regular SQL Server data source in Grafana, even one which can indirectly call the openHistorian for data. With this you can use highly complex sub queries, see example below. Note, however, that there is a performance penalty in querying openHistorian data in this manner:
For the following expression:
CONVERT(DATETIME2, REPLACE('{__from:date:YYYY-MM-DD HH!mm!00.000 Z}', '!', ':')) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'
the custom date time format, e.g., YYYY-MM, is being used to get dashboard starting date and time for only
one half second of data. The custom time format is from the Moment JS library which, for the way it is being
used in Grafana, only returns the timestamp in local time, not UTC. Luckily this can include the time zone,
i.e., the 'Z' option, which allows a time zone conversion when string is converted to a DATETIME2 using the
"AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'" SQL Server expression. Also, this needs to use '!' for the time separator in the format
string since the ':' is used in Grafana custom time variables as a reserved parsing token.
SELECT ADB.Longitude, ADB.Latitude, MDB.PointTag, AVG(MOH.Value) AS Value
FROM GetHistorianData('OHDNSNameOrIP', 'PPA',
(CONVERT(DATETIME2, REPLACE('${__from:date:YYYY-MM-DD HH!mm!00.000 Z}', '!', ':')) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'), /* from time down to minute, second 0.0 */
(CONVERT(DATETIME2, REPLACE('${__from:date:YYYY-MM-DD HH!mm!00.500 Z}', '!', ':')) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'), /* from time down to minute, second 0.5 */
FROM Measurement
LEFT JOIN ActiveMeasurement ON Measurement.SignalID = ActiveMeasurement.SignalID
WHERE SignalType = 'FREQ'
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, ''))
INNER JOIN ActiveMeasurement AS ADB ON ADB.SignalID = MDB.SignalID
GROUP BY ADB.Longitude, ADB.Latitude, MDB.PointTag