PMU Connection Tester "Connection closed by remote device"

Anytime i try to use the Connection Tester to connect to a PDC, after a couple of seconds I get the error “Connection closed by remote device”

I didn´t have any issues before, so I don´t know what the problem is.

NOTE: In my configuration I have 2 PMUs connected to a PDC, problem only lies in connecting to said PDC, because if I connect the PMU directly to my machine, there is no issue.
NOTE2: I have ForceIPv4 to True

Hello AmilcarV,

The error message suggests that the PDC is listening on the port, but is closing the connection after it’s already been established. This could be caused by a number of things. Without knowing what kind of PDC it is, I can only give some general suggestions as to what the problem might be.

  1. The PDC received your command frame but determined that the ID code doesn’t match its configuration.
  2. The PDC initially accepted the connection but then determined it had reached its maximum client limit.
  3. The PDC accepted the connection but then encountered an error on its end.
  4. The connection is somehow being made to something that is not a PDC at all.

You might want to check for logs on the PDC, if possible, to see if it can provide any additional insight.
