OpenPDC / openHistorian : improvement request for ordering PDC/PMU by LoadOrder


When importing PMUs from configuration files generated by PMU Connection Tester, they are created in a certain order which determines the value of the ‘ID’ field of the Device table associated with them. This point is not particularly troublesome for this process of creating records in this table. This device creation order (random?) becomes so in the Browse Devices window of openPCD and openHistorian Manager; because the PMUs are by default displayed in ascending order of their ID ; which may not be the ordre that a user may want to see them.
For example, I want to be able to display them in an order allowing logical/functional groupings that would not be linked to their name or ID number (which excludes the sorting method by Acronym by clicking on this column header). I tried for each to set a LoadOrder value in the Device table which would restore this ordering; without success: it is the ID value that determines this display order anyway. Sometimes having more than 5 pages of PMUs in the Browse Device screen, it is therefore not easy to quickly find a particular PMU in the list.

Would it be possible to make the default display order of the PMU list in the Browse Device and Graph Measurements screens based not on the ID but on the LoadOrder field value please? If on the other hand there were several PMUs with the same Load Order value, then it would be possible to apply a secondary sort on the ID…
Of course it would be advisable to preserve the possibility of displaying them in ascending/descending order of acronym by clicking on the header of the associated column of the Browse Device page as it already works.

Another point that would be great is to preserve / transmit this LoadOrder values associated to each PMU when using STTP to feed openHistorian from openPDC so that we wouldn’t have to fill in this informations both for the two softwares.

This development is not strategic but it would bring a little comfort of use and time saved, especially when you have multiple PMUs to initialize, configure or modify…

Thank you,

Best Regards
