Issues regarding storing PUM real time data into MySQL

For now, we want to store the PMU data into MySQL database. I have searched all the post regarding this issue.
I constructed the timeseriesmeasurement table, and my historian connector string is
Acronym: PPA
Name: Primary Phasor Archive
Type Name: AdoAdapters.AdoOutputAdapter
Assembly Name: AdoAdapters.dll
Connection String: BulkInsertLimit=500; DataProviderString={ AssemblyName={MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d}; ConnectionType=MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection; AdapterType=MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter }; DbConnectionString={ Server=localhost; Database=openPDC; Uid=openPDC; Password=openPDC }; TableName=TimeSeriesMeasurement; IDFieldName=SignalID; TimestampFieldName=Timestamp; ValueFieldName=Value.

In the table ‘timeseriesmeasurement’, we get signalID/Timestamp, but all the value is ‘0’. And by checking the error log in openPDC, we get the following error:

Thank you in advance.

Hello Yao,

Most likely, you used the wrong script to create the TimeSeriesMeasurement table. One of the scripts mentioned in the old CodePlex discussion was written for use with SQL Server and the other was written as an example of what the MySQLOutputAdapter expects. To make it work with your connection string, you would have had to adjust the SQL Server script to use the MySQL data types. Try using this script to create the TimeSeriesMeasurement table.

CREATE TABLE TimeSeriesMeasurement
    SignalID NCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
    Timestamp VARCHAR(24) NOT  NULL,
